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apt-repo -- Script for manipulation APT repository list


     apt-repo — Manipulate APT repository list

     apt-repo [list] [-a]
     apt-repo add source
     apt-repo rm source|all [type]
     apt-repo clear
     apt-repo update
     apt-repo [-h] [-v]

     The apt-repo script allow to show, add and remove APT repositories specified by source in sources.list(5) format, URL with optional component, branch name or
     task number.

     list    Show active repositories in sources.list(5) format. If -a is specified all available repositories are displayed (inactive are commended by ‘#’ ).

     add source
             Add source to list of active repositories.

     rm source [<type>]
             Remove or comment source if it is active. Special keyword all removes all active sources. The all keyword followed by optional <type> removes all
             sources of specified type: ‘branch’ or ‘branches’ removes all branch sources, ‘task’ or ‘tasks’ removes all tasks sources, ‘cdrom’ or ‘cdroms’
             removes all cdrom sources.

     clear   Removes all cdrom and task sources.

     update  Run
                   apt-get update
             to update APT cache from active repositories.

     -h --help
             Print usage information and quit.

     -v --version
             Print version and quit.

   APT Source
     Source can be specified in sources.list(5) format:

           apt-repo add "rpm http://git.altlinux.org/repo/39115/ i586 task"

     Recognized repository types: rpm, rpm-dir and rpm-src. It is allowed to specify source as separate words. If trailing architecture and component are missed
     two lines will be added (current system architecture and ‘noarch’ ) with component ‘classic’

     APT supports file://, http://, ftp://, rsync:// and cdrom:// protocols.  URL with required protocol may trail optional architecture and one or more compo‐
     nents. If architecture and component are missed two lines will be added (current system architecture and ‘noarch’ ) with component ‘classic’.  This form is
     useful to add branch on mirror server.


           apt-repo add ftp://mirror.yandex.ru/altlinux/p5/branch

   Absolute Path
     Local directory beginning with ‘/’ added as hasher repository: with current system architecture and hasher component.

           apt-repo add /opt/repo

     Branch is named repository consist from two parts (current system architecture and 'noarch'). By default official server is used. Full form:

           apt-repo add branch <name of branch>

     Keyword ‘branch’ may be omitted. Example:

           apt-repo add p5

           apt-repo add branch

     without name of branch displays all available branch names.

     Task is small repository for one or more subtask built in http://git.altlinux.org infrastructure. This source is used to install software for test purpose.
     Any task has unique number. Full form:

           apt-repo add task <number of task>

     Keyword ‘task’ may be omitted. Example:

           apt-repo add 39115

     sources.list(5), apt-cache(8), apt-get(5)

     Andrey Cherepanov cas@altlinux.org


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